The Behavioral Health Living Mural below was developed in 2015 by the Behavioral Health Committee. To get the most out of viewing this mural, you can click on a photo to enlarge its visibility and view the behavioral health condition that each individual must confront. After viewing the mural, don't forget to watch Zack’s story and David's story below.

"We are Behavioral Health"

If you’re scared to talk about behavioral health, you’re not alone.

Did you know that for many people it can be scary or overwhelming to discuss their own behavioral health? Some cultures are not as open to acknowledging behavioral health as real or something that needs to be cared for. It is easy for individuals who do struggle with behavioral health conditions to feel stigmatized or rejected because of the negative beliefs surrounding behavioral health.

The Behavioral Health Committee - with help from Public Health Research Associate, Ayanna Smith - worked diligently in creating this virtual living mural to reduce stigma around behavioral health and the use of behavioral health services. We hope this past campaign will inspire future efforts in reducing the stigma around behavioral health.